Saturday, October 31, 2020

Temp profile issue

 Temp profile issue on Windows 10

Step 1: Login with admin account.

Step 2: Change the user folder name.

Rename to _old

Step 3: Open REGEDIT then open the below path

Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\

Step 4: Open the selected profile.

Step 5: backup the reg if required.

Step 6: Delete the SID path.

The key related to the corrupted profile.

Step 7: Restart the machine.

Step 8: login again after restart.

Sunday, July 19, 2020



Create new folder.
Click on rename.
Copy and Paste the below text 

control Pannel.{ed7ba470-8e54-465e-825c-99712043e01c}


God mode ICON

God mode options

Computer Basics

Basics of networking


What is computer?

Computer is an electronic device which takes through input devices processes it and gives output through output devices. It also stores data for further processing.

Computer works with 0’s and 1’s (Binary).

Like all electronic devices a computer works with DC power supply.

Speed: Time taken by a processer to execute an instruction. Measured in HZ (Hertz).

Width: Amount of data is call with. Measured in bits.

Amount of data processor process and transfer at a time width of the processor only depends on width of the registers.


3.2GHZ speed processor

128 cache memory

533 FSB speed


Cache levels:

L1 Cache – Internal cache memory

L2 Cache -- External cache memory

L3 Cache – Motherboard cache memory

The CPU process data at a very high seed dynamic RAM cannot match the speed.

Hence, a special RAM is called cache. Frequently access instruction & data will be store in cache.

Primary Storage devices:

RAM: Random Access memory

EEPROM: Electrically erasable programmable read only memory

BIOS: Basic input output system.

BSL: Boot Strap loader (It loads OS)

POST: Power On Self-Test.


It is a main circuit board

It contains all the physical devices and components that are connected directly or indirectly.

CPU, RAM, Hard disk expansion cards are connected to it.

Components on mother board:

Processor slot / socket

Memory slots

Expansion slots

I/O ports, Chips

Front Panel Connector


CMOS Battery

Power Supply connectors

Heat sink (Processors)


North Bridge:

It controls the processor and RAM (High speed devices).

It is placed near to the processor.

It is also contains graphic processor.

It is also called GMCH (Graphic memory controller hub).

South Bridge:

It controls low speed devices like I/O ports, slots etc.

It placed near to the slots.

It is also called as I/OCH (Input output control hub).



CMOS Battery:

CMOS (Complementary metal oxide semiconductor).

RAM is used to store the date, time and system configuration.

Battery which power this memory is called CMOS battery.

Magnetic devices:

                Hard disk



                Tape Drive (for backup)

Optical devices:

CD -- Compact disk

DVD -- Digital versatile disk

BRD – Blue ray disk


                Memory stick

                Pen drive

                SSD (Solid state devices)

                Memory stick card (SD card)

A and B drive names for floppy or BIOS.


Disk partitions is the process of logically dividing the storage space of a hard disk into separate areas commonly called as partitions or drives.

There are two types of partitions.

                Primary (Maximum 3 primary next extended).


File System can controls all the data where it is store.

FAT16 -- 2GB

FAT32 – 32GB


Formatting is the process of creating file system on the partitions.

A file system tell how the files and folders to be created to stored & retrieved.

File system -- maximum file size

FAT32 -- 4GB -- 512MB to 8TB -- OS supported

NTFS -- 16GB -- 16EB – XP, vista, win7, win8

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Microsoft’s current scheme for updating windows 10

Windows 10 Patch update releases.


Microsoft’s current scheme for updating windows 10 looks like the below table.


Update Name: Security-only update for deployment

Scope: Monthly (contains security patches only).

Publish Timing: On "B week" to WSUS and the Windows Update Catalog; accessible via SCCM

Windows Update: No


Update Name: Security and quality update for deployment with no new features (a.k.a the “monthly rollup”)

Scope:  Cumulative (Security plus non-security patches)

Publish Timing: On "B week" to WSUS and the Windows Update Catalog

Windows Update: Yes


Update Name: Preview of monthly quality update for testing, mostly for older windows systems (a.k.a the “preview rollup”)

Scope: Cumulative (non-security patches only)

Publish Timing: On "C week" to WSUS and the Windows Update Catalog

Windows Update: Yes


Update Name: Preview of monthly quality update for testing (a.k.a the “preview rollup”).

Scope: Cumulative (non-security patches only).

Publish Timing: On "D week" to WSUS and the Windows Update Catalog.

Windows Update: Yes


Update Name: "Out-of-band" update

Scope: Monthly or whenever needed

Publish Timing: Whenever needed

Windows Update: Probably       


Reference Links:

Microsoft update site:

Success Rules

Success Rules

Learn from failure. Think about why you or your plan failed.
Don't waste time on mobile or social websites.
Focus on work.
If you want to win, Run for your goal.
Accept the truth and move on.
Finally Never give up. 

Success Road Map

Patch Management


Patching is a part of the System administrator’s life. Patch is defined as, adding security features or adding new features to existing operating system or upgrade operating systems.

Here we want to explain the window’s patch release process and to know best mythology to test the updates.

Patch management is the process of managing patches without disturbing the work environment. It includes scanning and detecting missing patches to download and deploying them.

Before this we need to know about patch release information.

The history of update (aka patch) Tuesday:

“Patch Tuesday” or “Update Tuesday” as formalized in October 2003.Previous years Microsoft follows “ship-when-ready”(shipping whenever they were ready to deploy).this allowed to fixes to go out almost immediately, it as a burden to System administrators. This as challenge for users. Who sometimes had to reboot their computers multiple times a month to apply the updates, rather than just one reboot to apply a cumulative update.

Update Tuesday is the most important monthly service event. This quality update does not include new features, instead it serves to enhance system stability and security. Microsoft develop and test these updates quickly to minimize the impact of a vulnerability should one be made public. They should be installed as soon as possible once released.

Why Microsoft choose second Tuesday at 10:00 A.M pacific time for two reasons:

1. For IT admin’s Monday is a day to deal with any other issues need to work through from the previous week.

2. To give the plenty of time to test the updates and deploy them to devices, then respond to any issues that may arise during the rest of the week.

Microsoft also spends the rest of the week watching for feedback and issues identified by businesses and consumers so Microsoft team begin preparing fixes immediately if necessary.

As an IT professional We should have an established process and plan to install update Tuesday releases each month.

Simplified process of patching process

1. Microsoft will release the patch on the event of Patch Tuesday.

2. System Admin need to test on test machines. Pre-pilot.

     2.1. Awareness:

Before deploying the patch to the production. We need to know the patch details like what it is trying to fix or upgrading. Below links will help to know about release information.

SAN’s Newsletters

Microsoft security newsletter

Microsoft technical security news letter

Microsoft catalog update

     2.2. Test with applications:

Test the patches before deploying with combinations of the application’s like adobe reader and personal application (Developed by your organization or which are using in your environment).

3. Deploy the patches to Privileged users (Pilot).

Before deploying patches to production. We need to include the schedule maintenance windows and include a roll-back plan.

4. Now we can deploy the patches to all users in environment.

                Use a patch management system to deploy patches to environment (Production).

Patches contains fixes for one or more vulnerabilities that have been identified by numbers assigned via the common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) system, maintained by the National Cybersecurity Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC).

Patch Tuesday lets systems administrators prepare for possible impacts patch applications might have and warn their users. When a serious problem with a patch is reported, it can affect the computers where the update will be installed. IT personnel can defer installing that patch, while still installing the rest of them, so they don’t lose the protections from all those other vulnerabilities.

Microsoft releases new feature updates twice a year. Instead of the traditional cycle, when Microsoft released new features every few years. Once you’ve installed the windows 10 April 2018 update, You’ll receive monthly updates every second Tuesday of the month. We call this “update Tuesday” but some people may call it “Patch Tuesday”. The quality of the data that we release on update Tuesday don’t add or remove features, instead they deliver important fixes that importantly, these updates provide fixes against security vulnerabilities and other threats. To keep your computer up to date, just make sure it’s connected to internet and will automatically download the update. You’ll have to restart the device to finish the process, but you can change the change your active hours in the settings app. About two weeks after update Tuesday, will released an additional update that is. Preview of our non-security fixes.

Because this release is only a preview,

Patching scenario for home users:

Windows won’t try to install this automatically. To limit the amount of times you need to restart your computer each month. If user want to try the preview updates and send us feedback. User can install them by clicking “Check for updates” in windows update. In the settings app. In either case, these fixes will be installed as part of the update you get the following update Tuesday. On some occasions, we may need to release an update on-demand. Unlike the scheduled security and preview releases, Microsoft only release an on-demand update to fix a security or quality issue that cannot wait until the next scheduled release like our other updates, this type of update will require that you reboot your device.

So, Microsoft only do this for critical issues.

Microsoft really try not to reboot.  Your computer more than once a month, But our top priority is to keep your computer secure and reliable. One final piece of info about windows updates. They’re all cumulative, which means that each update includes all previously released fixes and improvements. So, installing the latest update is all you need to do to bring your device up to date.

Will share another update on windows 10 servicing channel.

Reference Links:

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Temp profile issue

 Temp profile issue on Windows 10 Step 1: Login with admin account. Step 2: Change the user folder name. Rename to _old Step 3: Open...