Sunday, July 19, 2020

Computer Basics

Basics of networking


What is computer?

Computer is an electronic device which takes through input devices processes it and gives output through output devices. It also stores data for further processing.

Computer works with 0’s and 1’s (Binary).

Like all electronic devices a computer works with DC power supply.

Speed: Time taken by a processer to execute an instruction. Measured in HZ (Hertz).

Width: Amount of data is call with. Measured in bits.

Amount of data processor process and transfer at a time width of the processor only depends on width of the registers.


3.2GHZ speed processor

128 cache memory

533 FSB speed


Cache levels:

L1 Cache – Internal cache memory

L2 Cache -- External cache memory

L3 Cache – Motherboard cache memory

The CPU process data at a very high seed dynamic RAM cannot match the speed.

Hence, a special RAM is called cache. Frequently access instruction & data will be store in cache.

Primary Storage devices:

RAM: Random Access memory

EEPROM: Electrically erasable programmable read only memory

BIOS: Basic input output system.

BSL: Boot Strap loader (It loads OS)

POST: Power On Self-Test.


It is a main circuit board

It contains all the physical devices and components that are connected directly or indirectly.

CPU, RAM, Hard disk expansion cards are connected to it.

Components on mother board:

Processor slot / socket

Memory slots

Expansion slots

I/O ports, Chips

Front Panel Connector


CMOS Battery

Power Supply connectors

Heat sink (Processors)


North Bridge:

It controls the processor and RAM (High speed devices).

It is placed near to the processor.

It is also contains graphic processor.

It is also called GMCH (Graphic memory controller hub).

South Bridge:

It controls low speed devices like I/O ports, slots etc.

It placed near to the slots.

It is also called as I/OCH (Input output control hub).



CMOS Battery:

CMOS (Complementary metal oxide semiconductor).

RAM is used to store the date, time and system configuration.

Battery which power this memory is called CMOS battery.

Magnetic devices:

                Hard disk



                Tape Drive (for backup)

Optical devices:

CD -- Compact disk

DVD -- Digital versatile disk

BRD – Blue ray disk


                Memory stick

                Pen drive

                SSD (Solid state devices)

                Memory stick card (SD card)

A and B drive names for floppy or BIOS.


Disk partitions is the process of logically dividing the storage space of a hard disk into separate areas commonly called as partitions or drives.

There are two types of partitions.

                Primary (Maximum 3 primary next extended).


File System can controls all the data where it is store.

FAT16 -- 2GB

FAT32 – 32GB


Formatting is the process of creating file system on the partitions.

A file system tell how the files and folders to be created to stored & retrieved.

File system -- maximum file size

FAT32 -- 4GB -- 512MB to 8TB -- OS supported

NTFS -- 16GB -- 16EB – XP, vista, win7, win8

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